The Gorilla Saga

It all began one Christmas, When an Innocent Gorilla named Gary was kidnapped from his home and friends.
What follows is a chronicle of the events following the kidnapping.
This case has yet to be solved, who knows where it will end.
Check back frequently for the latest updates in the Gorilla Saga.
If you have any leads on this case please send an E-mail to

Here we see the first pictures sent by the kidnappers, It's obvious that they are trying to show that Gary is being treated well. They have taken him ice-fishing.

We do see some important clues here. If anyone knows where this place is, it may be crucial to solving the case of the missing Gorilla.

Here we see another picture of Gary, This time with a new friend,
Obviously this is another Hostage!!!
We need to find the culprits of this heinous crime immediately!!!
At the time of writing, the second hostages name is unknown.
If anyone knows his name, please send an e-mail to the above address.

Here is Gary's Good friend Oscar. A bounty hunter by trade, Oscar is ready to hunt down Gary's Captor's and save his friend.

Here we see Peach the penguin organizing a rescue party.
All we know about Peach is that he was a good friend of Gary's.
When asked for details about the rescue mission all Peach said was:
"No Comment"
Peach is obviously distraught.